Freon R410A is a replacement for the R22 type which is more friendly to the environment because it does not damage ozone.
Freon R410A is used in the AC inverter type. Except Daikin and Panasonic, which are now all inverter types using Freon R32.
The following is the pressure data for each freon, the higher it means a thicker pipe is needed so that the pipe does not leak due to the higher pressure: R22: 80 psi. R410a: 140 psi.
This type of AC freon is usually used in inverter AC types. In contrast to the type of freon R22, this type of freon does not have the potential to destroy ozone. Similar to the type of R22, this type of freon R410A is also not flammable.
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Thank you good luck.
Herry Gusmara
0813 1845 5559
0821 3355 5559
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Surabaya Barat, Jawa Timur
031 7407380