Copper is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. arms is derived from the Latin Cuprum.Tembaga a good conductor of heat and electricity good.Moreover that these elements have corrosion quickly. Its pure copper smooth and soft, with reddish orange surface. Copper mixed with tin to make bronze.
These metals and aloinya been used for four days. In the Roman era, copper is generally mined in Cyprus, which is also the origin of the name of this metal (сyprium, metal Cyprus), later shortened so сuprum). Bonding of these metals are usually named with copper (II).
Ion Copper (II) can be dragged into the water, where they function in high concentrations is as an anti-bacterial agent, fungisiddol, and additional material wood. In high concentrations, the copper would be toxic, but small amounts of copper is an essential nutrient for human life and the low level of plant. In the body, copper is usually found in the liver, brain, colon, heart, and kidneys.